Mr Blair certainly didn’t use it when presenting evidence to the Iraq Inquiry, but did the verb “To Kofi” pass his lips during Downing Street debates in the run up to the 2003 invasion?
According to reports following Mr Blair’s evidence, “To Kofi” means “to encourage the [then] United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan with easy promises.” Simple.
Whilst its origins lie with the Ghanaian-born diplomat, its application – within the coterie of Downing Street aides, is reported to be broad. Anyone who needed to be influenced was Kofied. From whole nations, the French or the Scots, for instance, to members of the government or opposition, to individuals in consistencies. Never since “You’ve been Tangoed” has a snappy verb possessed so much latent aggression. So have you been Kofied?
This surely calls for a spoof video. Anyone?