In a book called Business Bullshit, trailed in a Guardian Long Read, author André Spicer joins a long tradition of jargon-bashing that stretches back to George Orwell and beyond. As someone whose job is writing stuff for business that’s clear, appealing and easy to understand, my reaction to this latest broadside against jargon is: Stop it. […]
Business jargon
Behold the Jargon Matrix
My brother-in-law, a mechanical engineer, once shared with me a sentence with which his manager portentously opened a meeting: “Before we push the boat out, we’ve got to get into bed with the beast”. I fell about laughing when I heard this. But everyone in the room had apparently understood what the boss was talking […]
From aha! to WTF? When good business writing goes bad
That dull marketing copy may once have been brilliant.
Really bored of the Plain English campaign now
One person’s Plain is another person’s dogma.
Dissing office jargon is so last decade
Business jargon is good. There, we’ve said it.